The Christmas appeal was extremely busy in 2021. We kicked off our appeal in October thinking it was going to give us plenty of time to plan and prepare. However, this was not the case as we had a series number of referrals for people and families that needed our help and support. The Christmas appeal is just not toys…we have everything to consider; food, oil, electric, presents, vouchers, hampers and more importantly the impact that a magical time of year can have on family’s mental health due to financial hardships.
Our theme last year was ‘Not every Hero Wears a Red Suit’ which was a short video to promote what Me You and Them actually do. This was produced by Castle on The Hill Productions. We also set up a link for cash donations Dungannon Giving Tree which was a huge success.
Due to this we had over 220 referrals for all aspects of help. We could not have done this though without the support of the Dungannon Community and our Very Special Individual Donors. We also have to thank Killeeshil Runners, Little Hands, Killeeshil Community Centre, Mid Ulster Pride, Woodlawn Trust, City of Armagh High School, Avon lady Beverly and Calum McCullagh who done so much for our appeal, with money, toys, food, vouchers and toiletries
We also have to give out a massive thanks to our local chef James Devine who again helped out massively by preparing and cooking a three course Christmas dinner for our most vulnerable. In total 55 individual’s availed of this.
Volunteers plans and organise Santa Visits the week before Christmas which have proved to be a great success due to the feedback received. Santa and Buddy the Elf aim to bring a little magic to every child’s door.
For You also kicked off 12 Days of Christmas Competition for Free which was also a great success with many essential presents such as oil, vouchers and luxury items.
Street Collection took place on 4th December 2021. All volunteers and some clients helped out with this. All money raised supported our Christmas Appeal and everyday services.